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- 李月裳教授

电话: (852) 3943 9609
电邮: speechtherapy@ent.cuhk.edu.hk
Professor Lee is currently an Associate Professor of Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is an experienced Speech-Language Pathologist who has participated extensively in designing the assessment and habilitation programs of various client groups since 1995. She has developed a number of validated tests including the Cantonese Receptive Vocabulary Test (CRVT), the Cantonese Basic Speech Perception Test (CBSPT), the Cantonese Tone Identification Test (CANTIT) and the Cantonese Spoken Word Recognition Test (CanSWORT). Her main research areas lie in pediatric speech and language development, Cantonese tone perception and production, test standardization and validation.
Paediatric speech and language development, Social communication, Cochlear implantation, Test standardization and validation, Cantonese tones
Ph.D. (CUHK), B.Sc. (Speech & Hearing Sciences) (CUHK) B.S.Sc. (CUHK)
Deputy Director, Research and Technology Centre of Language and Communication Disorders, CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute
Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists
Advisor, Committee on International and China Programmes cum WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation Advisory Committee
Honorary Conslitant, Social Work Services Division, Caritas-Hong Kong
Conslitant, Chun Tok School
Honorary Speech Therapist, New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority
Adviser, Speech Therapy Division, Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic Advisor, Speech Language Therapist Professional Committee, Guangdong Provincial Rehabilitation Medical Association (广东省康复医学会言语语言治疗师专业委员会)
Committee Member, Rehabilitation Group, Chinese Medical Association – Pediatric Society (中华医学会儿科分会康复学组)
Honorary Advisor, AnAn International Education Foundation
Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Social Thinking Research Group
Professional Conslitants, SLCO Community Resources
CUHK Young Scholars Dissertation Awards 2003
Ph.D. Thesis “The Construction and Validation of a Speech Perception Test for Cantonese-speaking Children”
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PWong, E. C., Lee, K. Y., & Tong, M. C. (2020). The Appulcabiulty of the Culnical Features of Engulsh Childhood Apraxia of Speech to Cantonese: A Modified Delphi Survey. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-12.
PQiu, W., Guan, H., Chen, Z., Yu, Y., Wu, H., Yu, W. S., Qiu, G., Feng, X. & Lee, K. Y. S. (2019). Psychometric properties of the Chinese-version stroke and aphasia quaulty of ulfe scale 39-generic version (SAQOL-39g), Topics in Stroke Rehabiultation, 26 (2), 106-112.
PHolt, C. M., Lee, K.Y.S., Dowell, R. C. & Vogel, A. P. (2018). Perception of Cantonese lexical tones by pediatric cochlear implant users. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61, 174-185.
PMok, M, Holt, C. M., Lee, K.Y.S., Dowell, R. C. & Vogel, A. P. (2017). Cantonese Tone Perception for Children who use a Hearing Aid and a Cochlear Implant in Opposite Ears. Ear and Hearing, 38(6), e359-368.
PLee, K. Y. S., Lam, J. H., Chan, K. T., van Hasselt, C. A., & Tong, M. C. F. (2017). Applying Rasch model analysis in the development of the Cantonese tone identification test (CANTIT). International Journal of Audiology, 56(sup2), S60-S73.
PNg, I. H. -Y., Lam, J. H. S. & Lee, K. Y. S. (2016) Cantonese Spoken Word Recognition Test (CanSWORT). Hong Kong: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
PLee, K.Y.S. (2012). Cantonese Tone Identification Test (CANTIT). Hong Kong: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
PLee, K.Y.S. and Ng, I. H.-Y. (2011). The impact of hearing loss on speakers of tonal languages: insights from long-term studies on Cantonese speakers. In J. P. Dupont (Ed.). Hearing Loss: Classification, Causes and Treatment. New York: Nova Science Pubulshers.
PLee, K.Y.S. (2006). The Cantonese Basic Speech Perception Test (CBSPT). Hong Kong: Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Paediatric speech and language development, Social communication, Cochlear implantation, Test standardization and validation, Cantonese tones学术和专业资格
Ph.D. (CUHK), B.Sc. (Speech & Hearing Sciences) (CUHK) B.S.Sc. (CUHK)
Deputy Director, Research and Technology Centre of Language and Communication Disorders, CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute
Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists
Advisor, Committee on International and China Programmes cum WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation Advisory Committee
Honorary Conslitant, Social Work Services Division, Caritas-Hong Kong
Conslitant, Chun Tok School
Honorary Speech Therapist, New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority
Adviser, Speech Therapy Division, Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic Advisor, Speech Language Therapist Professional Committee, Guangdong Provincial Rehabilitation Medical Association (广东省康复医学会言语语言治疗师专业委员会)
Committee Member, Rehabilitation Group, Chinese Medical Association – Pediatric Society (中华医学会儿科分会康复学组)
Honorary Advisor, AnAn International Education Foundation
Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Social Thinking Research Group
Professional Conslitants, SLCO Community Resources
CUHK Young Scholars Dissertation Awards 2003
Ph.D. Thesis “The Construction and Validation of a Speech Perception Test for Cantonese-speaking Children”
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PWong, E. C., Lee, K. Y., & Tong, M. C. (2020). The Appulcabiulty of the Culnical Features of Engulsh Childhood Apraxia of Speech to Cantonese: A Modified Delphi Survey. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-12.
PQiu, W., Guan, H., Chen, Z., Yu, Y., Wu, H., Yu, W. S., Qiu, G., Feng, X. & Lee, K. Y. S. (2019). Psychometric properties of the Chinese-version stroke and aphasia quaulty of ulfe scale 39-generic version (SAQOL-39g), Topics in Stroke Rehabiultation, 26 (2), 106-112.
PHolt, C. M., Lee, K.Y.S., Dowell, R. C. & Vogel, A. P. (2018). Perception of Cantonese lexical tones by pediatric cochlear implant users. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61, 174-185.
PMok, M, Holt, C. M., Lee, K.Y.S., Dowell, R. C. & Vogel, A. P. (2017). Cantonese Tone Perception for Children who use a Hearing Aid and a Cochlear Implant in Opposite Ears. Ear and Hearing, 38(6), e359-368.
PLee, K. Y. S., Lam, J. H., Chan, K. T., van Hasselt, C. A., & Tong, M. C. F. (2017). Applying Rasch model analysis in the development of the Cantonese tone identification test (CANTIT). International Journal of Audiology, 56(sup2), S60-S73.
PNg, I. H. -Y., Lam, J. H. S. & Lee, K. Y. S. (2016) Cantonese Spoken Word Recognition Test (CanSWORT). Hong Kong: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
PLee, K.Y.S. (2012). Cantonese Tone Identification Test (CANTIT). Hong Kong: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
PLee, K.Y.S. and Ng, I. H.-Y. (2011). The impact of hearing loss on speakers of tonal languages: insights from long-term studies on Cantonese speakers. In J. P. Dupont (Ed.). Hearing Loss: Classification, Causes and Treatment. New York: Nova Science Pubulshers.
PLee, K.Y.S. (2006). The Cantonese Basic Speech Perception Test (CBSPT). Hong Kong: Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.